Station 12This collection has as its starting point the Year of Mercy which begins on 8 December 2015. Many of the pieces are based on passages highlighted in Pope Francis’ Misericordiæ Vultus. They are intended to be used whenever a community’s liturgy and prayer reflect on God’s mercy. The psalms, for example could be used at both Penitential Services and Rites of Penance. The origin of a couple of the settings was for funerals. Psalm 135, which does not occur in the Sunday Eucharist, could be used as a song of thanksgiving — a category of liturgical song found in a number of liturgies including Penance which seem neglected.

The collection contains both old and new settings. Some of the psalms have already been available on the website; many of the pieces are newly written. The music is either available as a complete collection or as individual pieces. Additional pieces are included here which are not found in the collection.

Psalms & Songs of Mercy


Psalm 24 (25) — Remember your mercy, Lord, and the love you have shown from of old.

Psalm 102 (103) — The Lord is compassion and love; slow to anger and rich in mercy.

Psalm 135 (136)For your merciful love lasts for ever.

Psalm 145 (146) — Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.


The Lord, a God of mercy and compassion (Ex 34 + Ps 50)
The verses are based on Psalm 50. The refrain could also be used on its own.

Rejoice with me (Luke 15)
A song based on the Parables of Mercy from Luke’s Gospel

Jesus, Son of David
An ostinato refrain or a response — full music available on Rejoice with me

Jesus, face of the Father’s mercy
Taking the opening image from Misericordiæ Vultus this song explores the times when Jesus looks with compassion in the Gospels, finally inviting us to look and see Jesus in the vulnerable (Matthew 25)

God of compassion
An ostinato refrain or response with optional verses taken from Psalm 102.

Mass Parts

Penitential Act Misericordiæ Vultus
The 3rd form of the Penitential Act is a litany acclaiming God’s mercy.

Additional Pieces

My song is mercy & justice

A piece for SATB and keyboard with a congregational refrain. Words from Psalms, Micah & Isaiah

Hail, Holy Queen

A setting of the Salve Regina in English. Available in unison, it may be sung with or without accompaniment.

Other Music for the Year of Mercy