Two-Tone Mass

A setting born out of lockdown. It began as a simple setting of the Gloria, which could be easily and quickly sung. It is based on two tones (hence the name of the Mass) and these were adapted to provide a complete Mass setting. It is intended to be flexible and can...

Lux et Origo Mass

This setting is based on the plainchant Mass I which is marked to be sung in the Easter Season. I have taken the chant and simplified it so that the English text can be sung to it. – but I hope that it retains some of the essence of the chant. Lux et origo is...

Mass of St Gabriel

The Mass setting began as a set of Eucharistic Acclamations. They were designed to be introduced responsorially but then sung straight through. Later at the request of an American parish a Penitential Rite, Gloria and Lamb of God were added. The whole setting was...